EKLYA - School of Business
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Outgoing mobility


The EKLYA study program includes one mandatory international mobility period, the ‘study trip abroad’ in the second year bachelor. But it is also possible for 3rd year students in the international option to study during the first semester in one of our partner universities abroad. The presentation of our international partners on the website gives you a first idea of the possible academic destinations with links to the websites of the partner universities. The internships at the end of the second year but also the final internship in the third year can also be done in an international context abroad.

For most of the international mobilities to destinations in Europe, students can obtain ERASMUS grants and EKLYA students have also access to a limited number of regional (AURA) grants for destinations outside of Europe.

The highlight in the international experience of our Bachelor program is the Study Trip in the 2nd year, a 12-week-long academic program abroad in order to:

  • Discover a different culture in the everyday life, in the professional environment and in the way of studying
  • Experience the expatriation abroad
  • Develop adaptability in a totally new context, and therefore develop the student’s autonomy
  • Enhance and consolidate the level of spoken and written English

The period of academic mobility ‘STUDY TRIP’ is organized in the 4th semester from mid-January to Mid April 2021 in groups of 15 students at each partner campus. In 2020, we sent our students to four campuses : ISB in Dublin/Ireland, CESINE in Santander/Spain, Tomori Pal College in Budapest/Hungary and Vatel Bahrain in Al Jasra/Bahrain.

After one integration day on each campus, the students will follow a harmonized program between the different campuses which will allow them to validate 20 ECTS credits :

COMMON MODULES on the different campuses

ECTS credits

International marketing


Cross-cultural Business & Negotiations




Digital communication


Business Project (in groups)

  • a life consultancy project on a real business
  • or a fictive business creation in the host country or in an international environment


+ 2 OPTIONAL MODULES according to the areas of specialization of each partner campus

2 x 2 = 4

In the common modules, EKLYA students can be mixed with other foreign students ; in the optional modules with local students. The program can be completed by an initiation course to the host country language. EKLYA School of Business will take in charge any study fees abroad. Students will have to pay for all other costs such as travel, accommodation, food, visa, international insurance and leisure.

For the destinations with an ERASMUS accreditation, our students will receive ERASMUS grants. In that case, an ERASMUS learning agreement will be signed between EKLYA, the host institutions and the students before the mobility takes place.

Students who choose the international option in year 3 of the bachelor can spend the first semester between September and December in total immersion in one of our partner institutions. Our students are integrated in courses held in English offered by our academic partners and have to validate 30 ECTS credits.

The students are free to choose modules which fit into the 3rd year program at EKLYA in fields such as marketing, management, international business, accountancy, communication… The module choice has to be communicated to the international department and validated by EKLYA. In order to receive the credits associated to each module, our students will have to follow the same exam procedures as the local students.

The choice of destinations for the optional academic mobility is larger than the campuses for the study trip in year 2 with destinations outside of Europe such the United States, Canada or South Korea. As the student fees for an individual semester integration, especially in anglophone countries often exceed the semester fees at EKLYA, students going on optional mobility will have to pay increased fees for the 3rd year at EKLYA.

All destinations offered by EKLYA for optional academic mobility are open to all students registered in the 3rd year at EKLYA. But, according to the chosen destination, they will have to meet admission requirements such as a certified level of English (between B1 and B2) and sufficient academic results (transcripts). Some partner universities are asking for a good level in certificates of English in the university context such as IELTS or TOEFL.  EKLYA School of Business can provide the partner with all necessary information (academic results, attendance, absences, level of English…).

The international department at EKLYA informs all students about possible visa regulations and assists them in the administrative procedure. Special care is taken with foreign students with a resident permit in France who might be subject to specific visa procedures.

The ECTS credit system is used in all bachelor and master programs at EKLYA with 30 ECTS credits validated per semester. In ERASMUS exchange programs, the inter-institutional agreement ensures the mutual recognition of all credits obtained in the academic mobility. 

The transcripts of records sent to the sending partner institution within a period of approximately 1 month after the mobile student’s evaluation have to mention the institutional grading system of the receiving partner and include the ECTS grade distribution.  This will facilitate the recognition procedures by the sending partner institution after the reception of the transcripts of records. You will find below the ECTS grading scale used at EKLYA.

ECTS levels

French grading scale (0 – 20)



16,00 – 20,00

EXCELLENT : oustanding performance with only minor errors                                                


14,00 – 15,99

VERY GOOD : above the average standard but with some errors


12,00 – 13,99

GOOD : generally sound work with a number of notable errors


10,51 – 11,99

SATISFACTORY : fair but with significant shortcomings


10 – 10,50

SUFFICIENT : performance meets the minimum criteria


8,00 – 9,99

FAIL : some more work required before the credit can be awarded


< 7,99

FAIL : considerable further work is required

For the internship at the end of year 2 after the « Study Trip Abroad », the students can choose to continue the international experience. They can do the internship abroad either in the country of their « Study Trip » or in another country.

The final 5 months internship in year 3 of the bachelor in business development can also be done abroad especially if the student is in the international option.

The principle of recognition of mobility results also applies to the mobility for internships. The appreciation of the student by the internship provider in the final certificate, which counts for the validation of allocated ECTS credits, will be automatically recognized by EKLYA.